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Calculator of Helmholtz coil inductance - simplified

Stan Zurek, Calculator of Helmholtz coil inductance - simplified, Encyclopedia Magnetica,, {accessed: 2025-03-14}
This section is an interactive calculator.

An approximate value of the inductance of a Helmholtz coil can be estimated with this following equation.

Approximate inductance of Helmholtz coil (two halves connected in series)
$$ L \approx 2 · π· \left( \frac{4}{5} \right)^{3/2} · μ_0 · r · N_{half}^2 $$ (H)
where: $N_{half}$ - number of turns in each half-coil (unitless), $r$ - radius of the coils (m) measured to the centre of the bunch of wires, $μ_0$ - permeability of vacuum (H/m)
source: Yuan Jiang, Qing Li, Vacuum Circuit Breaker for Aviation Variable Frequency Power System, Theory and Application of Arc in Electrical Apparatus, Springer Nature, 2021, ISBN 9789813347816

radius r =       Number of turns in each half Nhalf =

       Helmholtz coil inductance L =

Note: The equation ignores the size/diameter of the wire bunches in each coil and therefore gives only an approximate value.

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calculator/helmholtz_coil_inductance_simple.1736807821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/13 23:37 by stan_zurek

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