==== Calculator of inductance of a straight round magnetic wire ====
|< 100% 10% 90% >|
| {{/calculator/icon_calc.png?60&nolink}} | //[[user/Stan Zurek]], Calculator of inductance of a straight round magnetic wire, Encyclopedia Magnetica//, \\ https://www.e-magnetica.pl/doku.php/calculator/inductance_of_straight_round_magnetic_wire, {accessed: @YEAR@-@MONTH@-@DAY@} |
| {{/wiki/logo.png?20&nolink}} //See more: [[/Calculators of inductance]]// ||
Definition of the dimensions of a **straight round wire**
[[/Inductance]] of a [[/straight wire]] or conductor made from [[/magnetic material]] with round (circular) cross-section can be calculated with the the equation as specified below.
//Note: Several assumptions are made for all these equations: 1) The return path is **not** considered so the total inductance of the complete circuit can be significantly different. 2) The length of the wire is assumed to be significantly longer than it radius (r << l), otherwise the errors might be excessive. 3) The surrounding medium is assumed to be non-magnetic (μr = 1). 4) The current is uniformly distributed inside the wire (no [[/skin effect]]). 5) The equations were converted here to be consistent with [[/SI units]].//
^ Inductance of a straight round magnetic wire or conductor ^^^
| // Sources: [1] Edward B. Rosa, The self and mutual inductance of linear conductors, Department of Commerce and Labor, Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, Volume 4, 1907-8, Washington, 1908, \\ [2] F.W. Grover, Inductance Calculations: Working Formulas and Tables, ISA, New York, 1982, ISBN 0876645570// |||
| **(1)** \\ //[1] Rosa, eq. (11), p. 305// \\ and //[2] Grover, eq. (8), p. 35// | $$ L = \frac{μ_0 ⋅ l}{2⋅π}⋅\left( ln \left( \frac{2⋅l}{r} \right) - 1 + \frac{μ_r}{4} \right) $$ | (H) |
| where: $μ_0$ - [[/magnetic permeability of vacuum]] (H/m), $l$ - wire length (m), $r$ - wire radius (m), $μ_r$ - [[/relative magnetic permeability]] of the wire (unitless) |||
{{tag>Calculators Inductance_of_straight_wire Inductance_of_straight_conductor Inductance_of_magnetic_wire Inductance_of_magnetic_conductor}}