===== Calculator of power loss from volume-based to weight-based ===== |< 100% 10% 90% >| | {{/calculator/icon_calc.png?60&nolink}} | //[[user/Stan Zurek]], Calculator of power loss from volume-based to weight-based, Encyclopedia Magnetica//, \\ https://www.e-magnetica.pl/doku.php/calculator/power_loss_from_volume_to_weight, {accessed: @YEAR@-@MONTH@-@DAY@} | This calculator allows converting [[power loss]] between units based on volume and weight. ^ Conversion of power loss from volume-based to weight-based ^^ | //Source: [1] [[https://isbnsearch.org/isbn/9780367891572|S. Zurek, Characterisation of Soft Magnetic Materials Under Rotational Magnetisation, CRC Press, 2019, ISBN 9780367891572]]// || | //Both equations below are a consequence of [1], eq. (1.30) and (1.31), p. 30// || | $$ P_{vol} = P_{weigth}·D $$ | (W/m3) | | where: $P_{weight}$ - weight specific power loss (W/kg), $P_{vol}$ - volume specific power loss (W/m3), $D$ - density (kg/m3). ||
Choose the units to control the conversion:            Density D =

from input loss P =             to output loss P =
//Notes:// * //When converting from volumetric to volumetric (or from weight-based to weight-based) then the value of density is irrelevant (any value different than zero is acceptable).// * //Typical density:// * //for soft ferrites is 4800 kg/m3// (e.g. [[https://e-magnetica.pl/database-em/01_Soft/Soft_ferrites/Ferroxcube/Power_conversion_low_frequency/3c96.pdf|Ferroxcube, 3C96]]) * //for electrical steel with 3% Si is 7650 kg/m3// (e.g. [[https://e-magnetica.pl/database-em/01_Soft/Electrical_steels/Cogent_Newport_2003/Electrical_Steel_Grain_Oriented_Unisil-H_2002.pdf|Cogent, Unisil]]) * //for nanocrystalline ribbon is 7.3 g/cm3// (e.g. [[https://e-magnetica.pl/database-em/01_Soft/Nanocrystalline/Metglas_2021/FT-3W-Datasheet-Nov_2015.pdf|Metglas, FT-3W]]) * //for Fe-based nanocrystalline ribbon is 7.29 g/cm3// (e.g. [[https://e-magnetica.pl/database-em/01_Soft/Amorphous/Fe-based_amorphous/Metglas/Metglas_2605S3A_Fe_amorphous_2009.pdf|Meglas, 2605S3A]]) * //for 80% Ni-Fe alloy is 8.7 g/cm3// (e.g. [[https://e-magnetica.pl/database-em/01_Soft/Nickel_alloys/Ni80/PERMIMPHY_2019_strip.pdf|Aperam, Permimphy]]) {{page>insert/paypal}} {{tag>Calculators Power_loss Weight Volume Specific_loss}}