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Calculator of power loss from volume-based to weight-based
This calculator allows converting power loss between units based on volume and weight.
$$ P_{weight} = \frac{P_{vol}}{D} $$ | (W/kg) |
$$ P_{vol} = P_{weigth}·D $$ | (W/m3) |
where: $P_{weight}$ - weight specific power loss (W/kg), $P_{vol}$ - volume specific power loss (W/m3), $D$ - density (kg/m3). |
- When converting from volumetric to volumetric (or from weight-based to weight-based) then the value of density is irrelevant (any value different than zero is acceptable).
- Typical density:
- for soft ferrites is 4800 kg/m3 (e.g. Ferroxcube, 3C96)
- for electrical steel with 3% Si is 7650 kg/m3 (e.g. Cogent, Unisil)
- for nanocrystalline ribbon is 7.3 g/cm3 (e.g. Metglas, FT-3W)
- for Fe-based nanocrystalline ribbon is 7.29 g/cm3 (e.g. Meglas, 2605S3A)
- for 80% Ni-Fe alloy is 8.7 g/cm3 (e.g. Aperam, Permimphy)
calculator/power_loss_from_volume_to_weight.1687033029.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/17 22:17 by