{{ /biot-savart_loop_magnetica.png?500 }} Illustration of [[/Biot-Savart law]]. [[/Magnetic field strength]] $H$ generated at the centre of a loop of conductor with current $I$. The drawing shows the contribution to $H$ from the infinitesimal part $d \vec l$ of the conductor. distance and the corresponding angle. //The drawing was inspired by:// * [[https://books.google.co.uk/books?isbn=9780470746387|Michael Mansfield, Colm O'Sullivan, Understanding Physics, John Wiley & Sons, 2011, ISBN 9780470746387, p. 411]] * [[https://aplusphysics.com/courses/ap-c/videos/APC-BiotSavart/APC-BiotSavart.html|Dan Fulerton, AP Physics C - The Biot-Savart Law]], {accessed 2020-07-25} biot-savart_loop_magnetica.png {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} {{tag> Biot-Savart_law Magnetic_field Maxwell_laws Files}}