{{ /coercivity_remanence_soft_magnetic_materials_magnetica.png?500 }} Typical [[/hysteresis loop]] for a [[/conventional grain-oriented electrical steel]] grade M4. The blue point denotes [[remanence]] //Br// = //Jr// (for //H// = 0). The green point denotes [[/coercivity]] //Hc// (for //B// = //J// = 0). Both remanence and coercivity should be measured after [[/magnetic saturation]], at which //Jsat// and //Msat// is reached (does not increase anymore). There is no limiting [[/magnetic flux density]] //Bsat// value because it will keep increasing as long as the applied [[/magnetic field strength]] //H// is increasing. This loop has a high [[/squareness ratio]]. coercivity_remanence_soft_magnetic_materials_magnetica.png {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} {{tag> Magnetic_saturation Coercivity_Hc Remanance_Br_Jr Coercive_force_Hc BHc JHc Jsat Bsat Msat Hysteresis_loop B-H_loop J-H_loop M-H_loop first_quadrant second_quadrant third_quadrant fourth_quadrant Squareness_ratio Files}}