{{ /eddy_currents_with_fringing_flux_-_magnetica.png?500 }} [[/Flux fringing|Fringing flux]] can have high magnitude around the [[/air gap]] in a [[/gapped core]]. With a normally [[/laminated core]] two sides expose large surface area of the [[/laminations]] and the fringing flux leaves and enters the core at large angle producing significant [[/planar eddy current|planar eddy currents]] and significant [[/power loss]]. In high-power applications such loss can be so significant that [[/radially laminated core]] must be used. The drawing was based on: * [[http://www.kgmagnetics.org/APNOTES-06/An-115.pdf|Colonel Wm. T. McLyman, Fringing flux and its side effects, AN-155, {accessed 2016-0413}]] eddy_currents_with_fringing_flux_-_magnetica.png {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} {{tag> Planar_eddy_currents Air_gap Eddy_currents Laminated_cores Files}}