Progress of reduction of specific power loss in electrical steels, or specifically grain-oriented electrical steels over the years.
The graph is based on the following sources:
- Sławomir Tumański, Handbook of magnetic measurements, CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, 2011, ISBN 9780367864958
- Anthony John Moses, Energy efficient electrical steels: Magnetic performance, prediction and optimization, Scripta Materialia 67 (2012), 560-565
- Qi Tang, Investigation of magnetic properties of electrical steel and transformer core at high flux densities, PhD thesis, Manchester University, 2015
- Anthony Moses, Philip Anderson, Keith Jenkins, Hugh Stanbury, Electrical Steels, Volume 1: Fundamentals and basic concepts, IET, 2019, ISBN 978-1-78561-970-0
- Kawasaki Steel, An introduction to iron and steel processing, Chapter 1, Application-quest for new breakthrough in steel materials, Reduction of iron losses in electrical steels, {accessed 2021-03-25}
- Capdevila C. (2021) Electrical Steels. In: Rana R. (eds) High-Performance Ferrous Alloys. Springer, Cham.
- Takamiya Toshito, Hanazawa Kazuhiro, Suzuki Takehiro, Recent development of grain-oriented electrical steel in JFE Steel, JFE Technical Report No. 21, Mar. 2016, {accessed 2021-03-25)
- Karl Zipernowski, Maximilian Deri, Otto Titus Blathy, Induction coil, US Patent 352,105, 1886
- Yoshiyuki Ushigami, Masato Mizokami, Masahiro Fujikura, Takeshi Kubota, Hiroyasu Fujii, Kenichi Murakami, Recent development of low-loss grain-oriented silicon steel, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volumes 254–255, January 2003, Pages 307-314
- Zhaosuo Xia Yonglin Kang, Quanli Wang, Developments in the production of grain-oriented electrical steel, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 320, Issue 23, December 2008, Pages 3229-3233,
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