{{ /electromagnetic_field_magnetica.png?800 }} Schematic representation of [[/field lines]] of [[/electric field]] around a negative [[/electric charge]]. A static [[/electric charge]] (grey small circle at the centre) generates [[/electrostatic field]] (blue area). A sudden [[/acceleration]] of the charge (dark blue small circle) creates an [[/electromagnetic pulse]] (red ring) which [[/radiation|radiates]] away into space at the [[/speed of light]]. A charge moving at a constant velocity //v// generates [[/electric field|electric]] and [[/magnetic field]] attached with the charge (green area). This drawing is based on: [[http://google.com/books?isbn=9781107014022|E.M. Purcell, D.J. Morin, Electricity and magnetism, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN 9781107014022]] See also a drawing for deceleration of a charge: [[file/electromagnetic_field_deceleration_magnetica.png|{{/electromagnetic_field_deceleration_magnetica.png?200}}]] electromagnetic_field_magnetica.png {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} {{tag> Electromagnetic_field Electric_charge Electron Proton Electric_field Charge Field_lines Elementary_charge Acceleration Radiation Acceleration_field Velocity_field Files}}