{{ /electrostatic_force_magnetica.png?900 }} Opposite [[/electric charge|electric charges]] attract (positive-negative = red-blue), same charges repel (positive-positive = red-red, or negative-negative = blue-blue), neutralised charges generate no force (grey-grey), neutral bodies in the presence of other charges become locally polarised due to [[/electrostatic induction]] and can also experience attraction (even if the total charge in the body remains compensated). //This drawing was inspired by: Davneet Singh, Electric current and electric charge, Teachoo, https://www.teachoo.com/10576/3080/Electric-Current-and-Electric-Charge/category/Concepts/ {accessed 2020-12-06} // electrostatic_force_magnetica.png {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} {{tag> Electrostatic Electrostatic_force Positive_charge Negative_charge Electrostatic_induction Files}}