{{ /fluxgage_magnetometer_stefan-mayer_2_magnetica.jpg?500 }} [[/Fluxgate magnetometer]]. There is a visible magnetic coil of the sensor and electronic chips for signal processing. Dimensions 45 x 14 x 6 mm, meas. range: ±100 µT, other ranges on request, single 5 V supply, only 2 mA current consumption, low noise analog output: 150 pT/Hz1/2 @ 1 Hz, < 0.5 nT rms (0.1..10 Hz), bandwidth: DC..1 kHz (-3 dB) Source: [[http://www.stefan-mayer.com/Lcsing.htm|Miniature Fluxgate Magnetic Field Sensor FLC 100, Stefan Mayer Instruments {accessed 23 Oct 2012}]] fluxgage_magnetometer_stefan-mayer_2_magnetica.jpg {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} {{tag>Files Fluxgate_magnetometers}}