{{ /relativistic_effects_with_current_magnetica.png?500 }} [[/Magnetic field]] effects depend on [[/frame of reference]]: upper image show the [[/wire]] (grey) with the [[/electric charge|electric positive charges]] as stationary and the negative charges moving - the [[/magnetic force]] //Fm// pushes the single moving charge towards the wire, in the bottom image the frame of reference is such that the moving charge is stationary - the magnetic force disappears and the negative charge is pushed towards the wire due to [[/electrostatic force]] //Fe//. relativistic_effects_with_current_magnetica.png {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} {{tag> Electric_charges Relativistic_effects Special_theory_of_relativity Positive_charges Negative_charges Wire Magnetic_force Electrostatic_force Electromagnetic_force Lorentz_force Moving_charge Files}}