{{ /2dmch4/rotational_yoke_proposed_by_sz_drawn_by_ag.png?500 }} Rotational yoke proposed by Stan Zurek. Image created by Andrew Gilham (and edited by Stan Zurek). rotational_yoke_proposed_by_sz_drawn_by_ag.png You are permitted to use this image **freely**, for any purpose including commercial (there is no need to ask for explicit permission), but you **must always** give the following credits: \\ \\ **Andrew Gilham and Stan Zurek, [[http://e-magnetica.pl|Encyclopedia Magnetica]], [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/|CC-BY-3.0]]** ---- We would appreciate if you let us know of any use: //info@e-magnetica.pl// {{tag>Files 2DM_book 2017}}