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Zuzanna Szozda

Zuzanna Szozda graduated with honors from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland, at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art and the Institute of Pedagogical Studies and achieved the Master in Arts. Parts of her studies were completed at the Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste (Academy of Fine Arts) in Dresden, Germany. The following postgraduate studies took place at the University of Warsaw, Poland, at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science. The Author also completed a year-long internship at the University of Cambridge, UK (Fitzwilliam Museum, Hamilton Kerr Institute). Further, she deepened her knowledge in the field of exact sciences during a research fellowship devoted to the study of the phenomena of magnetism with a view to the conservation of works of art. She has published articles in professional journals and presented her findings at numerous conferences. While continuing her pioneering research she works as a professional art conservator.

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user/zuzanna_szozda.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/02 22:54 by stan_zurek

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