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Stan Zurek, Alphaform, Encyclopedia Magnetica,

Alphaform - trade name for group of magnetodielectric materials manufactured by Fluxtrol Inc.

Alphaform MF applied around a single-turn induction coil alphaform_mf_-_7.jpg Copyrights Fluxtrol Inc.
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Alphaform has similar magnetic properties to such materials like Fluxtrol, but it is delivered in a formable state so that it can be modelled into desired shape. A flux concentrator made from Alphaform can be easily retrofitted to an existing induction coils. Manual shaping of such flux concentrator might result with wider mechanical tolerances than it is the case for machined parts.

The product is a soft magnetic composite based on thermal-curing epoxy binder. The resin cures by exposing to temperature up to 190°. After curing and during normal operation the part can be exposed to 225° for prolonged periods, and up to 300° for short intervals.1)

List of Alphaform materials:

Alphaform MF applied to an internal induction coil Copyrights Fluxtrol Inc.

See also


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alphaform.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/04 14:10 by stan_zurek

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