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Ferrotron 119

Stan Zurek, Ferrotron 119, Encyclopedia Magnetica,

Ferrotron 119 - a trade name of high-frequency magnetic material manufactured by Fluxtrol Inc.

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Ferrotron 119 is designed to be used in flux concentrators for induction heating. The manufacturer recommends operating frequency between 10-5000 kHz.

Properties and datasheet

Basic parameters of Ferrotron 119 2)
product identification colour black
density +/-2% 4.8 g/cm³ = 4800 kg/m³
initial permeability 7
maximum permeability 8
saturation flux density 0.8 T
operating frequency range 10-5000 kHz
major frequency range 100-1000 kHz
temperature resistance
thermal conductivity 0.02 W/(cm·C) = 2 W/(m·K)
resistivity >100 kΩ·cm = >1000 Ω·m
datasheet Ferrotron 119

See also


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ferrotron_119.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/04 14:43 by stan_zurek

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