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Stan Zurek, Superconductor, Encyclopedia Magnetica, |
Superconductor - any material in a state of superconductivity, such that the electrical resistance is zero.1)
In a closed loop made from a superconductor, once a DC current is induced it can circulate indefinitely long without dissipation.
Superconductors expel magnetic field to outside of the superconducting volume, thus they behave as perfect diamagnets.
There are two main types of superconductors:3)
- type I (so-called low-temperature superconductors) - they expel all the magnetic field up to critical temperature or critical field, above which they undergo a process called “quenching” and become a normal resistive conductor (in a reversible way)
- type II (so-called high-temperature superconductors) - they undergo a transition from type I behaviour, to a “mixed” state in which magnetic field can partially penetrate their volume, but also there is some upper limit of temperature or critical field above which they “quench” into a normal conductance.
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See also
David C. Jiles, Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Second Edition, Chapman & Hall, CRC, 1998, ISBN 9780412798603
Patrice Loiez; Maximilien Brice, Câble Nobium-Titane (alliage supraconducteur) pour les dipôles et quadripôles du LHC, CERN, {accessed 2021-03-27}
Superconductivity 101, The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,, {accessed 2020-10-31}
superconductor.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/05 14:41 by stan_zurek