Table of Contents
Encyclopedia Magnetica Syntax
This page contains syntax specific to Encyclopedia Magnetica. Refer also the the basic syntax.
This is a quote
This is footnote example.1)
Important references
References: Refs
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![]() |
{{page>insert/just photo}}
==== ==== see -> **[[]]** ---- ~~GOTO>Magnetic_flux_density~~ {{tag>Redirects}}
![]() |
|< 100% >| | {{/wiki/logo.png?20&nolink}} //See also the main article: [[Magnetic field strength]].// |
Article skeleton
Stan Zurek, ??? , Encyclopedia Magnetica,, {updated: 2025/02/16 18:42} |
====== Title ====== |< 100% >| | //[[user/Stan Zurek]], ??? , Encyclopedia Magnetica//, \\ @PAGEL@, {updated: ~~LASTMOD~~} | | <sup>//[[/wiki/review process|self-reviewed]] 2022-08-27 //</sup> | | <sup>//[[/wiki/reviewed]] by [[user/???]], 20??-??-??// </sup> | {{page>insert/todo}} **Title** - [(ref name>[[ ref link | ref title]] )] <WRAP clear/> <box 30% right #f0f0f0> Caption [[file/no_photo_png|{{no_photo.png}}]] //<sup>Copyright (c) </sup>// //<sup>by XXX, YYY, [[|CC-BY-4.0]]</sup>// {{page>insert/by_SZ}} </box> {{page>insert/link_to_us}} {{page>insert/paypal}} ===== See also ===== *[[ ]] ===== References ===== ~~REFNOTES~~ {{tag> ??? Counter}}
| //[[user/Stan Zurek]], ??? , Encyclopedia Magnetica//, \\ @PAGEL@, {updated: ~~LASTMOD~~, accessed: @YEAR@-@MONTH@-@DAY@} |
<WRAP clear></WRAP>
For line clear:
<WRAP clear/>
small font
<WRAP lo>small font</WRAP>
Image pages
Every image must have its own “file page” created manually. The page should be placed in the namespace “file”. And because the file-page is in a namespace different from the root then the links must contain the “/” to give the full path to the file and to the articles. There must be two spaces before the file name, as in the example below.
The tags/categories should start with “Files” followed by whatever other category.
{{ /frm20_core_magnetica.png?500 }} Description <box round 75% #aaffaa> frm20_core_magnetica.png {{page>insert/file-sz-cc}} </box> {{tag> ??? Files}}
You are permitted and indeed encouraged to use this image freely, for any legal purpose including commercial, and with any modifications (the permission is hereby given, so there is no need to ask for it explicitly again), but you MUST always give the following credits:
S. Zurek, Encyclopedia Magnetica, CC-BY-4.0
We would appreciate if you let us know of any use:
Generic CC-BY
You are permitted to use this image freely, for any legal purpose including commercial (the permission is given, so there is no need to ask for it explicitly again), but you must always include the following credits: **Arthur Charles-Orszag, [[|CC-BY-SA-4.0]]**
{{ /magment_cylinder.png?500 }} [[/Toroidal core]] made out of [[/magment]] (magnetic cement). <box round 75% #ffa0a0> magment_cylinder.png This file is copyrighted and you are **not allowed** to use it without permission. \\ \\ Copyright (c) Encyclopedia Magnetica. </box> {{tag> Magment Magnetic_cement Files}}
This file is copyrighted and you are not allowed to use it without permission.
Copyright © Encyclopedia Magnetica.
You can use this image, but you must give the following credits:
United States Patent and Trademark Office, Public Domain
Patents are published as part of the terms of granting the patent to the inventor. Subject to limited exceptions reflected in 37 CFR 1.71(d) & (e) and 1.84(s), the text and drawings of a patent are typically not subject to copyright restrictions. Copyright law (17 U.S.C. § 105) states that all materials created by the United States government are in the public domain. However, there are restrictions of use. Anyone incorporating a work of the U.S. Government into a copyrighted work should be aware of 17 U.S.C. § 403. This section requires a copyright notice to contain a statement identifying what portions of the work consist of a work of the U.S.Government. Failure to do so could result in loss of copyright protection for the entire work.
<box 75% round #aaffaa #aaffaa> tx_patent.png {{page>insert/file-us-patent}} </box>
<box 75% round #aaffaa #aaffaa> niobium-titanium_superconductor_cern.jpg {{page>insert/file_cern}} </box>
You can use this image but you MUST give the following credits:
Zhang, Y., Shakil, A., Wang, H. et al. Effects of SiO2 content on the nanomechanical properties of CoCrPt-SiO2 granular films. Sci Rep 9, 17580 (2019). CC-BY-4.0
<box 75% round #aaffaa #aaffaa> zhang_cocrpt-si02_2019_fig1.png You can use this image but you MUST give the following credits: \\ \\ [[|Zhang, Y., Shakil, A., Wang, H. et al. Effects of SiO2 content on the nanomechanical properties of CoCrPt-SiO2 granular films. Sci Rep 9, 17580 (2019).]] [[|CC-BY-4.0]] </box>
Green #efffef - new
![]() | Stan Zurek, Calculator of inductance of a pair of parallel round straight wires, Encyclopedia Magnetica,, {accessed: 2025-03-14} |
![]() |
<box 100% #efffef> |< 100% 10% 90% >| | {{/calculator/icon_calc.png?60&nolink}} | //[[user/Stan Zurek]], Calculator of inductance of a pair of parallel round straight wires, Encyclopedia Magnetica//, \\, \\ {accessed: @YEAR@-@MONTH@-@DAY@} | | {{/wiki/logo.png?20&nolink}} //See more: [[/Calculators of inductance]]// || </box>
<box 100% #efffef>↑</box> {{page>insert/paypal}}
Old calc
{{page>insert/calc}} <WRAP lo right>//[[|[open]]]//</WRAP>
====== List of electromagnetic conferences ====== {{page>insert/list}} ===== Full names ===== * [[Annual Conference on Magnetics]] {{tag>Lists Conferences}}
Chemical composition of alloys
1st number in % means table width, then there is a list of the column widths.
|< 50% 48% 52% >| ^ Chemical composition (% of weight)[(Supra_50SP)] ^^ | [[Ni]] 48% (typical) | [[Fe]] (balance) |
References are created by using the RefNotes plugin. The are listed at the end of an articles by calling:
They are inserted in the text by using any combination of these:
Just text:
[( text )]
Named reference, with link:
[(ref name>[[ ref link | ref title]] )]
The link could be a link to Google Books (replace ??? with the ISBN number) from web address:
Sometimes an older book does not have an ISBN number, but it has an “id”, which seems to be referred to as “vid”. This can be used instead of ISBN but it must be used as “vid” (and ISBN number can be used with the “vid” rather than “isbn” link):
Or Google Patents (replace ??? with patent number, including US, eg. “US7117583”):
Image links
It is best to put images within the <WRAP> markers (please note the capital letters in “WRAP”).
The link is constructed in such a way, that the image is displayed, but it is also linked not the the file itself, but the the file page (see the section above).
<WRAP 30% right> Description here \\ [[/file/no_photo.png|{{/wiki/no_photo.png?200}}]] \\ //<sup>by S. Zurek, E. Magnetica, [[|CC-BY-3.0]]</sup>// </WRAP>
The under-the-image license information can be implemented as an “insert” (page include), as shown below. The page by_SZ must be defined properly (upper index, italic, etc).
<WRAP 30% right> Description here \\ [[/file/no_photo.png|{{/wiki/no_photo.png?200}}]] \\ {{page>insert/by_SZ}} </WRAP>
These work like “templates” in MediaWiki. A number of flags must be used to hide all the unnecessary items (date, user, tags, etc).
![]() |
The equations are created with mathpublish Plugin. More info here:
<m 16>S(t) = a_{n} ⋅ cos(n ⋅ omega ⋅ t) + b_{n} ⋅ sin(n ⋅ omega ⋅ t)</m>
<m 16>S(t) = a_{n} ⋅ cos(n ⋅ omega ⋅ t) + b_{n} ⋅ sin(n ⋅ omega ⋅ t)</m>
space = tilde ~
With the MathJax module the input is different: $ \lambda = N · \Phi \neq \oint \mathbf{X} $
$ \lambda = N · \Phi \neq \oint \mathbf{X} $
The recommended use of MathJax is as shown in the example below:
| $P_{max} = \frac{\Delta T}{R_{th}}$ | (W) | | $$P_{max} = \frac{\Delta T}{R_{th}}$$ | (W) | | <html><div style="font-size: 125%;"> $P_{max} = \frac{\Delta T}}{R_{th}}$ </div></html> | (W) |
$P_{max} = \frac{\Delta T}{R_{th}}$ | (W) |
$$P_{max} = \frac{\Delta T}{R_{th}}$$ | (W) |
$P_{max} = \frac{\Delta T}{R_{th}}$ | (W) | ←- this one
≪ 8810 226A ≪ ≪ ≪ much less-than printable ≪ 8810 226A ≪ ≪ ≪ much less-than printable ≪ 8810 226A ≪ ≪ ≪ much less-than printable ≫ 8811 226B ≫ ≫ ≫ much greater-than printable ≫ 8811 226B ≫ ≫ ≫ much greater-than printable ≫ 8811 226B ≫ ≫ ≫ much greater-than printable
Data sheet files
Data sheet files (PDF etc) are uploaded to the “Datasheet” namespace.
Usage in articles (example Pearson coil):
<WRAP 20% left> Model 2877 (100 A)\\ [[{{/datasheet/pearson_current_monitor_2877.pdf}}|{{/wiki/datasheet_logo_magnetica.png?100}}]] \\ //<sup>Copyrights (c) Pearson Electronics, Inc.</sup>// </WRAP>
Data sheet pages
<box 50% round #ffa0a0 #ffa0a0> frm27_ferroxcube_datasheet.pdf {{page>insert/datasheet}} </box>
This are also placed in the “file” namespace, but the links are specified differently, because a different logo is used to link it to the original file. They are tagged as “Datasheets” not “Files”.
<WRAP centeralign>[[this>lib/exe/fetch.php/datasheet/er14.5-3-7_ferroxcube.pdf|{{/wiki/datasheet_logo_magnetica.png?100}}]]</WRAP> <box 50% round #ffa0a0 #ffa0a0|datasheet/er14.5-3-7_ferroxcube.pdf> ---- This file is an original data sheet as published by the manufacturer or the supplier. \\ It is a copyrighted © document and you are **not allowed** to extract or modify its content. </box> {{tag>Datasheets Ferrite_cores}}
To link to that page the same method is used as for any other image (see Image links).
<sup>//by XYZ, [[wp>Public Domain]]//</sup>
You can use this image freely, without any restrictions, because it was released into [[wp>Public Domain]]. However, it would be nice if the following credits are given: \\ \\ by , [[wp>Public Domain]], [[|Encyclopedia Magnetica]]
You can use this image freely, but you must give the following credits: \\ \\ by Marcin Białek, [[|CC-BY-3.0]] \\ [[http://Encyclopedia-Magnetica|]]
You can use this image freely, but you must give the following credits: \\ \\ by Marcin Białek, [[|CC-BY-SA-3.0]] \\ [[|Encyclopedia Magnetica]]
<box 50% round #ffa0a0 #ffa0a0|pulse_transformer_cone_20mw.jpg> ---- This file is copyrighted and you are **not allowed** to use it without permission of the copyright holder. \\ \\ Copyrights (c) Dominik Bortis, Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich.</box>
US Patents
<box 50% round #aaffaa #aaffaa|quadrature_vt.png> ---- You can use this image freely, but you should give the following attribution: \\ \\ original source: [[|United States Patent and Trademark Office]], license: [[wp>Public Domain]]</box> //Copyright law (17 U.S.C. § 105) states that all materials created by the United States government are in the public domain. However, there are restrictions on use. Anyone incorporating a work of the U.S. Government into a copyrighted work should be aware of 17 U.S.C. § 403. This section requires a copyright notice to contain a statement identifying what portions of the work consist of a work of the U.S.Government. Failure to do so could result in loss of copyright protection for the entire work.//
Main article
![]() |
|< 100% >| | {{/wiki/logo.png?20&nolink}} //See also the main article:// [[Types of magnetism]]. |
==== A ==== ==== B ==== ==== C ==== ==== D ==== ==== E ==== ==== F ==== ==== G ==== ==== H ==== ==== I ==== ==== J ==== ==== K ==== ==== L ==== ==== M ==== ==== N ==== ==== O ==== ==== P ==== ==== Q ==== ==== R ==== ==== S ==== ==== T ==== ==== U ==== ==== V ==== ==== W ==== ==== X ==== ==== Y ==== ==== Z ====
The width has to be specified at the start of a line before the table. The first value is used as width of the table, the rest is for columns. If you want to omit some value use a dash instead. The widths can be specified in any CSS units:
|< 100% 50px - 5em 10em 10% >| ^ A ^ B ^ C ^ D ^ E ^ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A | B | C | D | E |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Chemical composition of Electrical steels | ||
Fe | Si | |
94% | 5% | ↓ |
the rest can comprise traces of C, S, etc. |
|< 50% 94% 5% - >| | Chemical composition of [[electrical steel|Electrical steels]] ||| ^ [[Fe]] ^ [[Si]] ^ ^ | 94% | 5% | ↓ | | <sup>//the rest can comprise traces of [[C]], [[S]], etc.//</sup> |||
<WRAP hide> x </WRAP>