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copper [2023/12/23 19:01] – [Thermal conductivity vs. temperature] stan_zurekcopper [2024/04/06 17:01] (current) stan_zurek
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 +====== Copper ======
 +|< 100% >|
 +| //[[user/Stan Zurek]],Copper, Encyclopedia Magnetica//, \\ @PAGEL@  |
 +**Copper** - metallic chemical element **Cu** exhibiting [[diamagnetism]] at [[room temperature]] and high [[electrical conductivity]], second only to [[silver]] (apart from superconductors).[(Copper>[[|General, Atomic and Crystallographic Properties and Features of Copper,]], {accessed 2023-12-03})][(Enghag>[[|Per Enghag, Encyclopedia of the elements, Technical Data, History, Processing, Applications, Wiley-VcH, ISBN 3527306668]])]
 +Owing to its low [[electrical resistivity]], copper is widely used in industry in the form of conductors ([[busbar|busbars]]) and wires ([[winding wire]]).
 +<WRAP right 40%>
 +<box 100% left #f0f0f0>
 +Copper windings in 3-phase [[power transformer]]
 +<box 100% left #f0f0f0>
 +Copper winding in the [[stator]] of an [[induction motor]]
 +<box 70% left #f0f0f0>
 +Electronic [[inductor]] made with a copper wire
 +===== Physical properties of copper =====
 +There are many excellent sources in literature which specify properties of pure copper (with various level of purity), industrial copper wire (winding wire, or "magnet" wire), as well as copper alloys.[(CRC>[[|William M. Haynes, David R. Lide, Thomas J. Bruno (ed.), CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, A Ready-Reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data, 97th edition (2016-2017), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 9781498754293]])][(Pubchem>[[|Copper, Compound summary, PubChem, National Library of Medicine]], {accessed 2023-12-20})][(Essex>[[|Magnet wire / winding wire, Engineering data handbook, Superior Essex, Rev. 1, 12/2009]], {accessed 2023-12-21})][(Henry>[[|W. G. Henry & J. L. Rogers (1956) XXI. The magnetic susceptibilities of copper, silver and gold and errors in the Gouy method, The Philosophical Magazine: A Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Applied Physics, 1:3, 223-236,]])] The table below collects some frequently used technical data for pure copper (chemical element) as well as industrially used copper (e.g. for winding wires).
 +^  Copper, Cu  |  [[cu_tape_38x0.127mm_magnetica_jpg|{{cu_tape_38x0.127mm_magnetica.jpg?150}}]]  |
 +^   Magnetic properties  ^^
 +| [[Type of magnetism]] [(Copper)]        |  [[diamagnetic]]  |
 +| [[Magnetic susceptibility]] (volume)    |  χ<sub>vol,SI</sub> = –9.7 × 10<sup>–6</sup> \\  χ<sub>vol,CGS</sub> = -7.7 × 10<sup>–7</sup>  |
 +| [[Magnetic susceptibility]] (mass)  |  χ<sub>mass,SI</sub> = –1.081 × 10<sup>–9</sup> m<sup>3</sup>/kg [(Enghag)][(CRC)] \\ χ<sub>mass,CGS</sub> = −0.086 × 10<sup>–6</sup> emu/(g·Oe) [(Henry)]  |
 +| [[Magnetic susceptibility]] (molar) [(CRC)]  |  χ<sub>mol,SI</sub> = –5.46 × 10<sup>–12</sup> m<sup>3</sup>/mol  |
 +| [[Relative magnetic permeability]]      0.999 990  |
 +| [[Hall coefficient]] [(Copper)]    -5.12 × 10<sup>-11</sup> m<sup>3</sup>/ |
 +^   Electric properties  ^^
 +| [[Electrical resistivity]] (at 20 °C)    |  16.78 × 10<sup>-9</sup> Ω·m (Cu pure)[(CRC)] \\ 17.24 × 10<sup>-9</sup> Ω·m (Cu wire)[(Essex)]   |
 +| [[Electrical conductivity]] (at 20 °C)    58.005 × 10<sup>6</sup> S/m (Cu wire)  |
 +^   Thermal properties  ^^
 +| [[Thermal coefficient of resistivity]] \\ (at 20 °C)[(Essex)]    |   0.393 %/K \\ 0.00393 1/K   |
 +| [[Specific heat capacity]] \\ (mass heat capacity) [(Enghag)]    |  384 J/(kg·K)    |
 +| [[Volumetric heat capacity]]  |  3.44 × 10<sup>6</sup> J/(m<sup>3</sup>·K)  |
 +| [[Molar heat capacity]] [(CRC)]        24.440 J/(mol·K)  |
 +| [[Thermal conductivity]] [(CRC)]      |  388 W/(m·K) at 293 K   |
 +| [[Melting temperature]] [(CRC)]    1085 °C \\ 1358 K   |
 +| [[Boiling temperature]] [(CRC)]    2562 °C \\ 2835 K   |
 +^   Mechanical properties  ^^
 +| [[Specific density]]  |  8960 kg/m<sup>3</sup> (Cu pure)[(Enghag)] \\ 8890 kg/m<sup>3</sup> (Cu wire)[(Essex)]  |
 +| [[Coefficient of linear expansion]]  |  16.5 × 10<sup>-6</sup> (1/K) (Cu pure)[(CRC)] \\ 16.8 × 10<sup>-6</sup> (1/K) (Cu wire)[(Essex)]  |
 +^   Chemical and physical properties  ^^
 +| [[Molar density]] (molecular weight) [(Pubchem)]  |  0.0636 kg/mol  |
 +| [[Molar volume]] (molecular weight) [(Enghag)]  |  7080 mm<sup>3</sup>  |
 +| [[Electronegativity]] (Pauling) [(Enghag)]  |  1.90  |
 +^   Atomic properties  ^^
 +| [[Atomic number]] [(CRC)]  |  29  |
 +| [[Atomic weight]] [(CRC)]  |  63.546  |
 +| [[Electron configuration]] [(Enghag)]  |  [[[Ar]]] 3d<sup>10</sup> 4s<sup>1</sup>  |
 +| [[Atomic radius]] [(CRC)]  |  van der Waals 0.196 nm \\ covalent 0.122 nm  |
 +==== Resistivity vs. temperature ====
 +^  Resistivity of copper (electrolytic) vs. temperature  ^^^
 +^  T (K)  ^  ρ  × 10<sup>-8</sup> (Ω·m)    T (°C)   ^
 +|  1  |  0.002  |  -272  |
 +|  10  |  0.00202  |  -263  |
 +|  20  |  0.0028  |  -253  |
 +|  40  |  0.0239  |  -233  |
 +|  60  |  0.0971  |  -213  |
 +|  80  |  0.215  |  -193  |
 +|  100  |  0.348  |  -173  |
 +|  150  |  0.699  |  -123  |
 +|  200  |  1.046  |  -73  |
 +|  273  |  1.543  |  0  |
 +|  293  |  1.678  |  20  |
 +|  298  |  1.712  |  25  |
 +|  300  |  1.725  |  27  |
 +|  400  |  2.402  |  127  |
 +|  500  |  3.09  |  227  |
 +|  600  |  3.792  |  327  |
 +|  700  |  4.514  |  427  |
 +|  800  |  5.262  |  527  |
 +|  900  |  6.041  |  627  |
 +|  973  |  6.7  |  1246  |
 +|  1356  |  21.3  |  1629  |
 +| References: for 1-900 K[(CRC)]<sup>(p.12-42)</sup>, 973-1356 K[(Enghag)]<sup>(p.141)</sup>  |||
 +==== Thermal conductivity vs. temperature ====
 +^  Thermal conductivity of copper (electrolytic) vs. temperature  ^^^
 +^  T (K)  ^  λ (W/(m·K))    T (°C)   ^
 +|  4  |  330  |  -269  |  
 +|  20  |  1300  |  -253  |  
 +|  77  |  550  |  -196  |  
 +|  194  |  400  |  -79  |  
 +|  273  |  390  |  0  |  
 +|  373  |  380  |  100  |  
 +|  573  |  370  |  300  |  
 +|  973  |  350  |  700  |  
 +|  1273  |  336  |  1000  | 
 +| References: for 4-973 K[(CRC)]<sup>(p.12-221)</sup>, for 1273 K[(FEMM>[[|David Meeker, Finite Element Method Magnetics: Documentation]], {accessed 2021-06-25})]  |||
 +==== Periodic table ====
 +===== See also =====
 +  *[[Aluminium]]
 +  *[[Silver]]
 +  *[[Gold]]
 +  *[[Brass]]
 +===== References =====
 +{{tag> Copper Cu Metals Chemical_elements Counter}}

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