Ordinary solid matter consists of atoms with some ordering (crystal, amorphous etc.); an atom (green, violet) has electrons (blue) in electron orbitals (green) and a [/nucleus]], which further comprises neutrons (grey) and protons (red), which themselves are built from quarks (red, green, blue) and gluons (yellow wavy lines).
This image was inspired by an infographic from CERN, image ID: CERN-DI-9312032-1: https://home.cern/resources/image/physics/infographics-gallery
You are permitted and indeed encouraged to use this image freely, for any legal purpose including commercial, and with any modifications (the permission is hereby given, so there is no need to ask for it explicitly again), but you MUST always give the following credits:
S. Zurek, Encyclopedia Magnetica, CC-BY-4.0
We would appreciate if you let us know of any use: info@e-magnetica.pl